Friday, October 28, 2011

Past Paper Questions on Bio engineering

Discuss the ethical arguments for and against the cloning of humans [4]
The definition of clone is a group of genetically identical organisms derived from a single parent. These clones are made using laboratory techniques and starts with the production of human embryos. Therefore there are many issues with cloning; some arguments against it are that generating a new human embryo just for research is unnatural and wrong and is opposed by some religions. Cloning humans could also reduce the value of the human and clones may have health problems and they are more likely to die from complications. Cloning is also an expensive process and not fully successful so there could be better allocation of resources
On the other hand, the arguments for cloning are that it may help provide tissues and skin to repair burns, organs for transplantation and can lead to future medical breakthroughs.

Outline a basic technique for gene transfer involving plasmids [5]
Gene transfer involves plasmids which is a small piece of circular DNA. The plasmid is first removed from a cell and cut with restriction enzymes. The genes from another organism is also cut with the same restriction enzyme and spliced together with the plasmid using DNA Ligase. This plasmid is called a recombinant DNA which is then put into the genome of a host cell and then a fermenter to be cloned.

Outline a technique for transferring genes between species [5]
Gene transfer between species is when a gene from one organism is taken and placed in another organism. Firstly the gene for transfer has to be obtained; this is done by using restriction enzymes to cut out the useful gene. A plasmid, small circular DNA molecules found in bacteria, are cut with the same restriction enzyme and the gene cut out is spliced together with the plasmid using DNA Ligase. This plasmid is called a recombinant DNA which is then put into the genome of a host cell and then a fermenter to be cloned. The bacteria with the Recombinant DNA are then grown by asexual reproduction.

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